Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wasting my day away today... Haiz gonna miss my kor, trex, pekpek and weilin after they go for AB camp tmr till friday. =/ Supposed to go out tmr but i have no idea where yet. Watched Cinderella Story for the uncountable times in the morning and still thinks its a good show.
When we first met i had no idea how important you would be. I dint see you coming at all. Nobody knows what the future holds for us and although its agonizing i guess thats the beauty of it all, the reward at the end. Through constant aniticipation and guessing. And through all these i want you to know that i trust you and for you to trust me. No matter how long i make you wait, just trust me. =) So PUNDEH: Don't think. Don't ponder. Don't wonder. Just follow your heart. Even though we just sit there, not talking. I am happy. =P

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